Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Derry Hughes, At last you shared your dark secret, perhaps now you will heal.
No one needs to walk alone in the darkness, step into the light - it waits.

Time drags ...... I get so cross at how I am not informed about your treatment, I know it is because we are not married, you say that we will be married soon so next time it will be different, I still hope there will not be a next time.

Dec 4 2013 After so long you were allowed to visit, I could see you were not fully recovered but a lot better, so nice to have some time together and ease the pressure of being apart, this is the first step to your coming home which is wonderful. I know that mental illness will always be a risk, that at times you may  again do things completely out of character as you have done, somehow I have to learn the signs and know what to do.

Christmas day 2013, Derry Paul Hughes is still not home, now the medications seem to be alright the man-flu becomes a chest infection which worsens to Pleural empyema! Now it is mega doses of anti-biotics and oxygen therapy, out of four christmas days as a couple we have only been together on christmas day once! Fate keeps repeating itself over and over, what are the odds of that?

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