Saturday, February 22, 2014

22 February 2014

The month has almost gone, spring is trying to happen but Derry is still not home as the doctors are still trying to get his medication right.
I never imagined how difficult it is to get medication correct for Bipolar! so many dangerous side effects, so many failures ..... now on the 6th drug and it has been almost a week, so far this drug seems to have few side effects apart from drowsiness, yesterday the dosage was lowered as it made him so sedated he could barely function. I am not sure if they will leave it at the lower dose or increase it again once his body adjusts I just pray it wont be much longer. At least he visits regularly now, it makes it easier for both of us.
We found a lovely house in Aquitane, France that we both love, hoping we can both get there next month.
The photo was taken at Midmar, South Africa. proof positive the medication has made Derry gain so much weight ...... diet is definitely in order, (for both of us - Derry swaps me in chocolates I have no will power to resist)

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