Saturday, December 28, 2013

28 December 2013 Christmas has gone without Derry, he spent the day being driven to find a hospital with space to insert a drain into his chest, but before he could he managed to cough up the worst of it and it was decided to let it heal, however his BP remained high and what was put down to the chest infection now appeared to be the bipolar meds! So it was back to changing meds. The new meds have been hard to stomach - literally! leading to 2 days of vomiting, shakes and blurred vision, trying to find the right medication for mental illnesses seems to be very difficult with so many unwanted side effects. Once they appear to be working there is still the worry that they may not fully suppress the mania and depression, only time will tell.
The waiting seems endless, Derry Paul Hughes get well soon.

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

18th December 2013 - Still waiting impatiently for Derry Hughes. Diagnosis seems to be bipolar, he is now finding out what medication suits him best once that is sorted he should be home, he better be, Christmas is getting close and I spent last Christmas alone as he went through the same thing, except then they treated him for anxiety and depression, maybe this time the diagnosis is right, it would seem that the darker shorter days of winter make many people depressed, bipolars have mood swings, periods of normal, highs and lows, with the lows often being taken as depression.

Christmas day 2013Derry Paul Hughes is still not home, now the medications seem to be alright the man-flu becomes a chest infection which worsens to Pleural empyema! Now it is mega doses of anti-biotics and oxygen therapy, out of four christmas days as a couple we have only been together on christmas day once! Fate keeps repeating itself over and over, what are the odds of that?